“A film can touch your essence in surprising ways. You just have to be willing to let it”
jennifer lopez
- 6 underground
- 13 hours: the secret soldiers of benghazi
- 1978
- 1981
- 1984
- 1987
- 1991
- 1992
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 2000
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2017
- 2019
- 2023
- 2024
- al pacino
- alfie allen
- alien
- alyssa sutherland
- ambulance
- american
- american cinema
- angelina jolie
- anthony hopkins
- arabic
- armageddon
- army of darkness
- baby driver
- bad boys
- bad boys ii
- ben affleck
- bill skarsgard
- blue steel
- bong joon-ho
- brad pitt
- bridget fonda
- bruce campbell
- bruce dern
- bruce willis
- bryan singer
- cate blanchett
- chad stahelski
- choi min-sik
- chris penn
- christoph waltz
- clancy brown
- common
- cutthroat island
- dan laustsen
- daryl hannah
- david carridine
- david fincher
- david leich
- death proof
- denzel washington
- diane kruger
- django unchained
- donald pleasence
- donnie yen
- eddie murphy
- edgar wright
- english
- event horizon
- everything everywhere all at once
- evil dead
- evil dead 2
- evil dead franchise
- evil dead rises
- ewan mcgregor
- fast five
- franchise
- freddy krueger
- freddy vs jason
- gareth evans
- george miller
- george romero
- german
- halle berry
- halloween
- harvey keitel
- hero
- hiroyuki sanada
- hungarian
- i saw the devil
- ian mcshane
- indonesian
- inglourious basterds
- italian
- jackie brown
- jackie chan
- jake gyllenhaal
- james badge dale
- james cameron
- jamie foxx
- jamie lee curtis
- jane levy
- japanese
- jennifer lopez
- jet li
- jodie foster
- joel p richard
- john carpenter
- john frankenheimer
- john krasinski
- john leguizamo
- john singleton
- john travolta
- john wick
- john wick chapter 2
- john wick chapter 3 parabellum
- john wick chapter 4
- jonathan demme
- jonathan sela
- justin lin
- kate beckinsale
- keanu reeves
- kevin williamson
- kill bill
- kill bill volume 1
- kill bill volume 2
- kim jee-woon
- kim yook-seok
- korean cinema
- kurt russell
- lana and lilly watchowski
- lance reddick
- lau kar-leung
- laurence fishburne
- lee byung-hun
- leonardo dicaprio
- lily sullivan
- lionsgate
- longlegs
- lucy liu
- mad max fury road
- marc dacascos
- mario van peebles
- mark walhberg
- martin lawrence
- melanie laurent
- memories of murder
- michael bay
- michael fassbender
- michael madsen
- michael nyqvist
- michael parks
- milla jovovich
- monster hunter
- morgan freeman
- mortal kombat
- na hong-jin
- neil marshall
- neve campbell
- new line cinema
- new nightmare
- nicolas cage
- nightmare on elm street
- once upon a time in china ii
- once upon a time in hollywood
- oz perkins
- pain and gain
- pam grier
- paul ws anderson
- pearl harbour
- peter stormare
- pulp fiction
- quentin tarantino
- r-rated
- ranking career
- reservoir dogs
- resident evil
- ridley scott
- robert de niro
- robert downey jr
- robert englund
- rogue
- ronin
- rosario dawson
- rose mcgowan
- russian
- ryan reynolds
- sam raimi
- sammo hung
- samuel l jackson
- scarlet johansson
- scream
- sean connery
- serial killers
- seven
- shang chi and the legend of ten rings
- shia labeouf
- sigourney weaver
- slasher franchise
- slasher movies
- song kang-ho
- sony pictures
- spanish
- steven spielberg
- tar
- tarsem
- terminator 2 judgement day
- the cell
- the chaser
- the evil dead
- the exorcist
- the hateful eight
- the island
- the legend of the drunken master
- the long kiss goodnight
- the matrix reloaded
- the network
- the raid
- the rock
- the silence of the lambs
- tim roth
- transformers
- transformers age of extinction
- transformers dark of the moon
- transformers revenge of the fallen
- transformers the last knight
- tsui hark
- tyler bates
- uma thurman
- underworld
- vincent d'onofrio
- ving rhames
- walter hill
- walton goggins
- warner bros
- wes craven
- wheels on meals
- will smith
- x-men 2
- zodiac
- zoe bell
top ten,
serial killer,
George Karystianis
top ten,
serial killer,
George Karystianis
Top 10 Serial Killer Movies
Mirror, mirror who is the most demented serial killer of them all?